
The ”Boys” Trip

Photo of 2 girls drinking a beer together.

The ”Boys” Trip

1280 960 Mike Lawson

Myth: guys think they need to go on trips together because they think girls aren’t as fun, won’t party as much or some other dumb idea.

Truth: Girls will always win when it comes to a guys trip.

They will party harder, drink more, do more, see more and last longer. True, they are likely to make fewer penis jokes and there will probably be a few less near death experiences but they will find a way to squeeze every inch of fun out of your trip.

So if they want to come bring them along on your next Loco Tourismo adventure!

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This equal opportunity blog post is brought to you by The Boys and Girls Club of America. (No it isn’t). Book your Loco Tourismo trip today because frankly, you’re not living life to it’s fullest. We can tell.

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